At the end of Genesis 30:43 we read that Jacob had become a wealthy man. God had blessed him, but some of what he had acquired had been by false means in order to survive.
Jacob was a survivor, a man who never gave up, whose heart wanted to follow and honour the God who had appeared to him on the ladder. Jacob's heart was after God, he had entered in to this contract with God and he was not taking it lightly, he was pursuing it, sometimes too religiously, but never the less he was pursuing this encounter.
Jacob was experiencing a backlash to his success, from his brother-in-laws, the sons of Laban. They were jealous and felt that Jacob had robbed them of their inheritance, in truth it had fallen into Jacob's hands due to their lack of desire and understanding. They had assumed that what was their fathers would be theirs. In much the same way we can never assume that SALVATION, the blessing from God which is rightfully ours, will automatically be given or shared with us. There has to be a spirit within a man or a woman that says 'I am committed Lord', "I submit myself to you and to your ways in order that I can gain your promised life. Remember that God gives unconditionally to those who diligently seek Him.
'Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you'
Jacob now had no option but to flee, or had he? Could he have faced Laban and talked it through? I don't believe he could as Laban had not entered into any kind of experience with Almighty God like Jacob, he had not had a 'God Encounter' that had changed his life or character which meant that he was on a different level, a carnal level and not a spiritual one. The two can't mix, spirit can only understand spirit Romans 8:5-10 So Jacob runs away and the issue is bought to a head.
Laban pursues Jacob for seven days and during that time God appeared to him (Laban) (Genesis 31:24) and said to him do not speak good or bad to Jacob, in other words:-
- do not challenge him
- undermine him
- chastise him
- rebuke him
- agree with him
It is reassuring to know that God has a plan that includes you and me. A plan that He will accomplish. A plan that culminates around the cross where God allowed His Son to die so that you and I could enter into a relationship, so that you and I can have 'God Encounters', encounters that shape our lives and draw us into a closer walk with Christ through the continued outworking of the Holy Spirit that seeks and saves that which is lost.
Jacob is able to continue his life's journey not knowing that he is about to have another 'God Encounter' that will again dramatically change his life for ever.
Sometimes it's best not to know in advance how or when God is going to show up but just to live a life that trusts in Almighty God and His PLAN for each if us.
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