Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Be Patient (6)

Post 6 of a series in Deuteronomy (Be patient)

Deuteronomy 7:22 And the LORD your God will put out those nations before you little by little. You may not destroy them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon you.

Patience is something quite a few of us lack. In a society that has grown up where every thing is provided 'on tap' , where we can easily get what we want when we want has resulted in us developing a society that has very little patience. This culture has permeated our daily lives to such an extent that we no longer are able to make good decisions, invariably we make hasty decisions based on not thought out plans that then go onto affect our lives and ultimately our relationship with God Himself.

As we saw in the last post God is a faithful being therefore it follows that He will also grant us the ability to be patient and wait His timing.

In these posts from Deuteronomy we have a list of promises and the one we are looking at in this post is Patience. God specifically says to the children of Israel "I will put out those nations before you, little by little." Or in other words "I will claim the uninhabited places for you"

So often we want to run ahead of God's plan for our lives and all we end up doing is thwarting the very thing that God wants to accomplish in our lives, that of a complete life that honours Him.

This is a promise and at the same time a warning. We can read of instances when the children of Israel just forged ahead with out God's blessing and ended up in a worse position than when they set out.

God wants us to exercise patience so that we can prove Him faithful and true.

God's plan for our lives is a good one we have to find that place of rest in Almighty God, not to the point where we don't do anything, but where our lives demonstrate that God is on the throne of our lives and that all we do is for Him and by Him. We exercise patience, patience that is God given. God does the rest little by little.

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